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Frosted Tips Star

January 10, 2012

I’m sure that this block has another name…they generally do.  But every time I look at it I recall the wretched hair found on metro guys circa 1999.  Think ‘N Sync, Nick Lachey, Mark McGrath…  But I digress.

This next star is a variation of a different sort.  Rather than changing up the inside square, we’re going to change up the points!  The construction technique is the same as the basic sawtooth star, but first we have to prepare the squares used to make the points by sewing up four (4) HST square units.  For each star, you will need ten (10) pieces, and the dimensions for each star size are shown below:

Frosted Tips Star Tutorial

The points are made up of at least two different fabrics, although you could always use four for a really scrappy look.  In my example I used two, so I cut two (2) squares of each fabric.  Start by marking the back of the squares from one of the fabrics, either with a single line down the centre, or a 1/4″ line on each side of centre.  Then pin them to the other two (2) squares, right sides together.

Frosted Tips Star Tutorial

Sew along the marked lines using scant 1/4″ seams.  Each square will have two (2) stitched lines on it.  Then cut down the centre between your two seam lines to produce two (2) separate pieces, for a total of four (4) HST square units.

Frosted Tips Star Tutorial

Once you have pressed the units, you will be left squares that are a bit too big, so they will need to be trimmed down to 3-7/8″ | 2-7/8″ | 1-7/8″ (depending on which size star you’re working on) before moving on.  As I mentioned in an earlier post, this gives you an opportunity to move forward with renewed accuracy.  (You can see the amount of extra in the comparison below.)

Frosted Tips Star Tutorial

At this point, making the four (4) flying geese units is exactly the same as for the basic star, but extra attention is required for the placement of the HST units to insure the the same fabric ends up on all the tips.  The fabric which you wish to have appear on the tips needs to be the one which meets the corners of the background fabric, at opposite ends in the photo below.

Frosted Tips Star Tutorial

When you’ve sewn the two stitch lines using scant 1/4″ seams, cut the two resulting units apart and pressed both parts, be sure to remember to trim the little bit of excess where all the seam allowances meet in the centre.  I forgot when I was making up my dummy block and it was really bulky!

Frosted Tips Star Tutorial

When you place your HST units for the next stage, make sure that the three fabrics which are overlapping in the centre are all the same, and that the three fabrics at the tips are all the same.

Frosted Tips Star Tutorial

Again, once you’ve sewn, cut, pressed and trimmed, you should have four (4) identical flying geese units.

Frosted Tips Star Tutorial

Sew all your remaining parts together (as per the basic sawtooth star) and press your finished block!

Frosted Tips Star Tutorial

One thing I have to say is that while the three fabrics I picked appeared different enough in large pieces, once put together I think they match a bit too well!  So my advice would be to try for a tad more contrast than I achieved here.  I’m going to play a bit this week as I finish up the other sizes, so I’ll be sure to show you some other ways to arrange fabrics in the block as soon as they’re done.

I hope you have fun with this one!

Oh My Stars! (A Quilt-Along)


3 Comments leave one →
  1. January 11, 2012 3:02 AM

    Yay and easier one :) Thanks for sharing the tip on the contrast. Looking forward to see what everyone comes up with on this one.

  2. January 23, 2012 2:51 PM

    I’m just about to try this one and I like how they are quite similar! Not sure how much of a contrast I want…

  3. Minnie Hol permalink
    August 1, 2021 6:10 AM

    I’m clearly very late to this party.
    This is the pattern that inspired me to begin on the red and white quilt needed for next years quilt show.
    Love the blocks….now to reinterpret in reds.

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